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The regular bi-monthly CEENQA meeting

On July 21st, NAQA took part in the regular bi-monthly CEENQA meeting. NAQA is a full member of «Central and Eastern European Network of Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education» since July 2020.

The meeting was moderated by the Secretary General Jan Philipp Engelmann. The first, who was invited to take the floor was the president of CEENQA Frank Demsar.

After the report of the president, Sergül Duygulu presented HEPDAK ― Association for Evaluation and Accreditation of Education Nursing Programs (Turkey).

The next presentation was made by the NAQA Vice-Head Natalia Stukalo, where she described the higher education quality assurance in Ukraine and the NAQA role in it.

Natalia Stukalo also informed the international colleagues about the NAQA online-practises and emphasised the importance of implementing digital tools to the agency’s activities. NAQA experience in conducting an online-workshops and training for evaluators is highly valued among the participants. Natalia Stukalo also provided detailed answers to all additional questions.

The CEENQA bi-monthly meeting ended with a vivid discussion and negotiation of further plans and upcoming events.