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Effective offline communication with stakeholders continues!

January 18 within the scientific and methodological interuniversity conference with international participation
“Ensuring the quality of education in a higher medical school” held a methodical seminar called “Quality of higher medical education”.

NAQA Head Andrii Butenko and his Vice Head Olena Yeremenko made a presentation on “The main steps of introspection of an educational discipline and the methodology of its implementation.” They analyzed the need for systematic self-analysis and its effective creation according to criteria. During the seminar, the participants listened to the speech of the head of the study programmes accreditation department Hanna Denyskina “Preparation of the accreditation case: behind the scenes of the information system.” The speaker considered aspects of solving challenging issues of the accreditation procedure using the cases of Odesa medical institutions as an example.

The seminar was held in a mixed format, and more than 135 participants joined. The event was the first in a series of January events in Odesa with the participation of NAQA representatives, the following will be:
🔹19.01 — educational and methodological training at the International Humanitarian University;
🔹20.01 — educational and methodological training at Odesa National Medical University.