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Forum “Days of Educational Leadership”

First day of the “Educational Leadership Days” Forum

On 1-3 June, the forum “Days of Educational Leadership” is taking place at the National University “Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic.”

The forum gathered heads of educational institutions, representatives of state authorities and local governments, employers, guarantors of educational programs, academic staff, and students to develop knowledge and competencies in the field of leadership-based education administration, advanced training of academic staff, and the development of a culture of leadership in higher education institutions.

The event was attended by the Head of NAQA Andrii Butenko and his deputy Olena Yeremenko. The opening speech was delivered by Andrii Butenko, emphasising the leading role of universities in developing leadership skills among students. At the same time, the speaker pointed out that not every university is a leader. A leader university is the one that is constantly transforming, adapting to changes and always striving for improvement, passing on these values to its students. Olena Yeremenko gave a presentation on the problems of strategic planning for the development of internal quality systems at the university and their role in ensuring the leadership position of higher education institutions.

The first day of the forum ended with a lively discussion. The participants of the event are looking forward to no less productive work during the following days of the event.