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Ukrainian roundtable “The concept of after-school education under martial law”

On 27 March, Ganna Denyskina, Head of the Accreditation Department of NAQA Secretariat, joined the nationwide roundtable “The Concept of After-School Education under Martial Law” at the Dragomanov Ukrainian State University.

The roundtable was attended by members of the Ukrainian Parliament, representatives of central executive authorities, the Security and Defence Forces of Ukraine, diplomatic missions of foreign countries, heads of educational authorities, members of the Board of the International Association of After-School Education, extracurricular and higher education institutions, and the public.

During the roundtable, the participants discussed the Concept of after-school education under martial law, the system of after-school education and the activities of after-school education institutions under martial law, as well as the training of teachers for the system of after-school education under martial law.