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Two-day training for HEIs with specific learning conditions that are under the management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

On June 6-7, at one of the locations of the National Academy of Internal Affairs, a two-day training “Actual issues of building quality assurance systems in higher education institutions under the management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine” was held. The event was organized in partnership with the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. The event brought together representatives of 13 higher education institutions with specific study conditions that belong to the sphere of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

On the first day of the training, NAQA Head and Vice Heads covered various aspects of the effective functioning of QA systems, in particular the development of the internal QA system of HEI, problems of formation and improvement of study programmes, the European vector of Ukrainian higher education development. The State Secretary of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Inna Yashchuk also joined the training and had a welcome speech at the beginning.

On the second day, Head of NAQA Secretariat and NAQA employees discussed with the stakeholders the regulatory and legal basis of accreditation, strategies for ensuring the quality of educational activities and the quality of higher education, the stages and processes of accreditation, as well as key points that should be taken into account during study programme self-assessment.

Both days ended with open discussions, which provided the participants with an opportunity for dialogue, exchange of views and clarifications of various aspects of the educational activities, such as higher education QA. The event also identified opportunities for further cooperation between Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and NAQA.