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The results of the selection of the Capacity Building in Higher Education (CBHE) projects in 2024

The results of the selection of the Capacity Building in Higher Education (CBHE) projects in 2024 have been announced. This year, two projects, where NAQA is a partner, have received funding for the next year.

DOMANI – Developing Micro-credentials Ecosystems in Ukraine and Mongolia for Competitive and Resilient Green Economies. Partners from Ukraine, Italy, Estonia, Hungary and Mongolia participate in the project implementation while Estonian University of Life Sciences is the coordinator. DOMANI aims to build an educational partnership between twelve EU, Ukrainian and Mongolian institutions to launch micro-credentials ecosystems in both Ukraine and Mongolia for competitive and resilient green economies.

UkraineDigiTrans – Digital Transformation for Medical Education in Ukraine united partners from Ukraine, Greece and Finland. The coordinator is Laurea University of Applied Sciences. Project aims to develop the electronic healthcare system (EHS) in Ukraine, coupled with the widespread use of digital technologies in medicine, encourage medical professionals to embrace new digital solutions and tools. Its objectives include the enhancement of pedagogical mastery and an increase in the levels of professional competencies and educational resilience of the teaching staff.

NAQA sincerely congratulates projects partners and believe in fruitful cooperation!