On October 1, the European Quality Assurance Register in Higher Education (EQAR) sent a letter to the Acting Minister of Education and Science, which sets out EQAR’s position on the proposed by the Ministry amendments to the legislation of Ukraine on changes in the legal status of the NAQA and the risks associated with such changes.
It is an attempt to abolish the status of NAQA as a separate and independent legal entity under public law, and that NAQA might instead become (or be replaced by) an executive body subordinate to the ministry.
“While NAQA has yet to be reviewed against the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the EHEA (ESG), we acknowledge that the current provisions on NAQA have been designed with European good practice in mind. In the spirit of European standards, the provisions aimed to enable the agency to exercise its function independently of government, institutions and other stakeholders, while at the same time assuring its full accountability to stakeholders, government and parliament,” – is stated in the letter.
NAQA highly appreciates the support expressed by key global associations and organisations of quality assurance agencies. Global recognition means that the NAQA is moving in the right direction and is building its activities in accordance with European standards and taking into account Ukraine’s commitments in the field of education and science.