Mykyta Andrieiev
NAQA Board Member
Advocate, lawyer, expert in public administration and finance. Student of the Private Joint-Stock Company “Higher education institution “Interregional Academy of Personnel Management”.
Executive Director of the Ukrainian Adult Education Association.
Chairman of the Public Council at the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. Member of the Collegium of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. Initiator of the decisions of the Public Council at the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine on quality assurance of higher education and adult education.
Organiser of public events on student self-government, youth policy, higher education quality assurance, training and adult education.
Andragogue trainer, certified by the international training programme for professionals in the field of adult education Curriculum GlobALE. Co-author of research on the quality of adult education. Member of working groups on the preparation of draft laws in the field of education, co-author of the draft law “On Adult Education”. Within the framework of the projects, his leadership approved 5 local programmes for the development of adult learning and education in different communities. He is a co-author of a short-term study programme for urgent training for people who have lost their jobs.
He is a certified evaluator of the activities of central executive authorities in the field of “Public Relations”. Member of the Expert Advisory Council for the approval of advanced training programmes for civil servants, heads of state administrations, their deputies, local government officials and local council members. He is a participant of the project “Quality Assurance System in Ukraine: Development on the Basis of ENQA Standards and Guidelines”.
He was a member of the commission of the Ukrainian Centre for Educational Quality Assessment (UCEQA) on determining the thresholds for pass/fail scores in the External Independent Evaluation.