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Artem Artiukhov

Artem Artiukhov

NAQA Board Member

Chairman of the NAQA Ethics Committee

Scientist and educator in the fields of educational economics, marketing, digitalisation of education, chemical engineering, expert on academic integrity, open science, knowledge and technology transfer. PhD in Engineering, Associate Professor, Senior Researcher.

Associate Professor of the Department of Marketing at Sumy State University.

Member of the Presidium of the NGO “Innovative University”.

He is actively involved in the development of a national regulatory framework for higher education quality assurance. He promotes a culture of quality and integrity through events to inform the educational community, and has participated in more than 30 seminars and workshops on academic integrity, open science and quality of education.

He is a member of a number of international organisations: European Network for Academic Integrity (ENAI), International Association of Engineers (IAENG), International Association of Online Engineering (IAOE), International Society of Engineering Pedagogy (IGIP), Institute of Research Engineers and Doctors (theIRED).

He has more than 37 protection documents for intellectual property rights in the field of modelling education quality assurance systems and promotion of educational services and chemical engineering, and more than 100 scientific publications indexed in the Scopus database.

Participated in 15 scientific and 18 international projects, including: “Open Practices, Transparency and Integrity for Modern Academia” (OPTIMA), “With Academic Integrity to EU values: step by step to common Europe” (AICE), “Open Science and Education in Europe: success stories for Ukrainian academia” (OSEE) within the Erasmus+ programme and the Academic Integrity and Quality Initiative implemented by the American Councils for International Education.

He is a recipient of the Tricia Bertram Gallant Award for Outstanding Service (International Centre for Academic Integrity) and the ENAI Exemplary Activism Award (European Network for Academic Integrity).

He has been awarded the title of International Society for Engineering Pedagogy (ING. PAED. IGIP) and holds the FEANI EngineerING Card.