During the Ukrainian Open Science Forum (UOSF-2024), specialists from the PR and International Cooperation Department of NAQA’s secretariat Tetiana Kovalska and Anna Shylina spoke about…
During the 13th International Scientific and Practical Conference “European Integration of Higher Education in Ukraine in the Context of the Bologna Process. Digitalization and Quality…
On November 14-17, another meeting of participants of the Erasmus+ project “Simulation medicine and scenario-oriented learning” (SimS) took place where NAQA was represented by Andrii…
On May 2-4, NAQA delegation (Vice-Head Olena Yeremenko and specialist of the PR and international cooperation department Marharyta Kiselova) participates in the second meeting of…
The kick-off meeting of the project “Simulation Medicine and Scenario Training for Emergency Care” (SimS) is held on March 20-21🚑🏥 SimS is the first project…
NAQA is one of the partners of the SimS project, which is coordinated by the Bukovinian State Medical University within the framework of the Erasmus+…
The results of the winning projects for the development of higher education potential were announced. SimS and SMART-PL projects are among the winners who received…