More than a month has passed since the beginning of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine. A month of war, destruction, suffering and devoted struggle of every Ukrainian for life, freedom, equality, European values and the future.
All this time, the enemy is cynically destroying thousands of civilian infrastructure, including education. As of March 25, 570 educational institutions were affected by the bombing and shelling. 73 of them were completely destroyed. It is difficult to assess the scale of the tragedy and the consequences for the education system and its participants.
In these difficult times, the National Agency continues its work, provides advisory support to higher education institutions of Ukraine and informs the educational community, including the international one, about the events in our country.
The struggle of the Ukrainian people continues, the struggle of the educational community against Russia’s aggressive policy continues. We urge our friends and partners not to stop in this struggle, to increase pressure on organizations and institutions to stop cooperating with Russian academia, educational institutions and organizations, to exclude Russian representatives from all academic communities, to isolate the aggressor and to spread information about terror in Ukraine in your countries and governments.
We urge you to support the appeal to the world academic and scientific community on the de-putinisation of academic circles and sign the appeal form.