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Simulation medicine and Scenario-based learning for emergency care (SimS) 



Start: 01-01-2023 – End: 31-12-2025 

Project Reference: 101082077 — SimS — ERASMUS-EDU-2022-CBHE 

Programme: Erasmus+ KA2 

Type of action: ERASMUS Lump Sum Grants 
Project coordinator: Bukovinian State Medical University 

Project partners are also National Academy of Internal Affairs, Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs, Kharkiv National Medical University, Odesa National Medical University. 
International partners are Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (Spain), Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN), Lietuvos sveikatos mokslų universitetas (Lithuania), Aristoteleio Panepistimio Thessalonikis (Greece). 

NAQA role in the SimS project: 
NAQA’s participation in the project will ensure the implementation of modernized study programmes for the training of emergency care specialists. The project involves the enactment of modern educational technologies, international cooperation, and the experience of foreign partners, which contributes to the internationalization of higher education in Ukraine. Taking into account the fact that among the partners of the project, there are medical and internal affairs universities, NAQA will assist in the development of recommendations for the modernization and implementation of developed technologies in the study programmes for students of emergency medical care in both types of HEI. 

In WP2 “Creation and implementation of SBL/SM cases for studying emergency care for medical staff and for non-medical staff”: NAQA will be responsible for the external assessment and institutional support, which will provide the quality of the new course. NAQA will actively participate in defining the assessment strategy and supervise the process of evaluation. 

In WP3 “Impact and dissemination”: A huge part of the Dissemination work package will be led by NAQA, as the agency possesses relevant information distribution channels to ensure that project outputs, sustainability, and broad impact will be disseminated at the national level. At the beginning of the project, NAQA will take part in developing a strategy for the dissemination and exploitation of the project. The strategy will define the timeline and methods of dissemination of project information and project results. NAQA will disseminate the project by conducting or participating in international and local conferences, workshops, presentations or seminars.