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The sixteenth CEENQA online meeting

On May 17, the sixteenth CEENQA online meeting took place.

During the meeting, Vesna Dodiković-Jurković from the Croatian agency AZVO made a presentation about new developments of the agency. The speaker talked about the changes in the legislation and the new structure of the agency. Ulkar Sattarova, a representative of the TKTA, spoke about the news of quality assurance in Azerbaijan, namely, about new rules and criteria for institutional accreditation. The meeting ended with a speech by the INQAAHE CEO Fabrice Henard about the establishment of international standards and recommendations for ensuring the quality of higher education.

We are grateful to CEENQA for organizing such a valuable event. NAQA is looking forward to the next meetings to share experiences, news, best practices and achievements with foreign colleagues. Together we are able to reach higher quality education for everyone!