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A book on institutional accreditation was presented at NAQA’s office

On 20 February, NAQA presented a book by Taras Finikov and Vitalii Tereshchuk: “Institutional Accreditation: Analytical Review and Recommendations”. The meeting with Taras Finikov, an expert on institutional accreditation, president of the International Foundation for Educational Policy Research, was attended by NAQA Head Andrii Butenko and NAQA Vice Heads: Ivan Nazarov, Nataliia Stukalo and Olena Yeremenko; as well as the Head of the Secretariat Oleksandr Khymenko.

During the meeting, Taras Finikov spoke about the basis of institutional accreditation of HEIs in Ukraine, the criteria by which institutional accreditation should be carried out. He focused on the examples of several countries from which our country could borrow positive practices and experience. In particular, the speaker focused on the positive examples of France, the Netherlands and Poland.

“The more backward the education system, the less attention it pays to institutional accreditation. The more advanced and developed it is, the more attention it pays not just to the quality assurance system, but to the quality assurance culture, which it is working on with all its might,” Taras Finikov concluded.

After the presentation of the book, the participants of the meeting discussed the legislative framework for institutional accreditation in Ukraine and the conditions under which Ukrainian higher education institutions should develop a culture of quality assurance.

Institutional accreditation is envisaged by the current Ukrainian legislation, but the procedure is still under development.