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TALENT4UA is one of the winners of the SI Baltic Sea Neighborhood Program

One of the winners of the SI Baltic Sea Neighborhood Program is the project Strengthening PhD education in Ukraine for sustainable growth of academic careers (TALENT4UA), where NAQA is a partner.

It is important to emphasize that this year Ukraine is a priority country in this programme, and therefore projects within its framework should help Ukrainian participants and target groups strengthen their skills and create conditions for the future recovery of the state.

TALENT4UA will run for 2 years and aims to use EU experience and standards to establish at Ukrainian universities an attractive and supportive environment for developing a new generation of PhD students to become independent researchers and pursue their careers as academics, researchers, and innovators in post-war Ukraine.

The project will be implemented in partnership with the KTH Royal Institute of Technology (coordinator), TalTech – Tallinn University of Technology, Lviv Polytechnic National University (national coordinator) and Dnipro University of Technology.