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Webinar “Problems of identifying academic plagiarism in research: cases of the NAQA Ethics Committee”

On 16 May, Olena Yeremenko, NAQA Vice Head, held a webinar within the framework of the “Festival of Science – 2024” of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv Metropolitan University, which was joined by 175 participants, including rectors, vice-rectors, guarantors of study programmes, researchers, academic staff, undergraduate and postgraduate students from various Ukrainian universities.

In her speech on “Problems of identifying academic plagiarism in research: cases of NAQA Ethics Committee”, the speaker introduced the audience to the contradictory regulatory framework and stressed the need for a Law on Academic Integrity, analysed the most famous cases of academic dishonesty and described the specifics of the Ethics Committee’s work.

At the end of the webinar, Olena Yeremenko answered participants’ questions, in particular about the use of artificial intelligence.

The recording of the webinar is already available on our YouTube channel.