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CEENQA General Assembly & workshop

On 17-18 May, the workshop and the General Assembly of the Central and Eastern European Network of Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (CEENQA) took place.

The topic of this year’s discussion was cross-border quality assurance, which is one of the important areas of NAQA’s work. Speakers focused on trends, best practices and the role of such international cooperation in improving the quality of higher education.

NAQA became a full member of CEENQA in 2020 and has been actively involved in the Networks’s events since then to share experiences continuously. We thank our colleagues for fruitful cooperation and interesting practices!

We also congratulate the newly elected CEENQA President Vesna Dodikovic-Jurkovic from the Croatian AZVO, Vice President Diane Freiberger from German FIBAA, Executive Board Member and Treasurer Peter Levente Lakatos from the Hungarian MAB and Executive Board Members from Turkish agencies Dincay Köksal (EPDAD) and Hasan Bicak (STAR).

We hope for further cooperation!