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Webinar “Components of External Higher Education Quality Assurance: Relevance and Challenges”

“The main factors that affect the education quality assurance are teachers, students and universities,” said Olena Yeremenko, NAQA Vice Head, during the webinar “Components of External Higher Education Quality Assurance: Relevance and Challenges” on 21 May.

This online event was organised by SoftServe as part of the ITeachers Meetups series and gathered 288 participants from various specialities from many Ukrainian higher education institutions.

In her speech, Olena Yeremenko emphasised the synergy of internal and external quality assurance systems, stressed the need for educational audit and self-assessment in HEIs, analysed the results of the initial stage of accreditation of study programmes, and highlighted the prospects for post-accreditation monitoring and institutional accreditation in Ukraine.

In addition, the webinar ended with answers to participants’ questions, in particular regarding plans for cluster accreditation and a series of events for experts, industry councils and guarantors.