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UAS QA Pool for students

On 23-25 May, Poltava State Medical University hosted a three-day UAS QA Pool training from the Ukrainian Association of Students (UAS) for 50 higher education students, aimed at providing those interested in engaging in higher education quality assurance processes, potential experts and NAQA sectoral expert councils members with the necessary skills and knowledge on higher education quality assurance.

The event began with an opening speech by Andrii Butenko, NAQA Head, who said:

“It is important for us to have students at every stage of the development of the educational system – from dreams of a study programme and its launch to its finalisation, which is why we have students in every expert group and sectoral expert council.”

Among the speakers and trainers at the event were Oleksandr Khymenko, Head of NAQA Secretariat, Hanna Denyskina, Head of Accreditation Department of the NAQA Secretariat, and Oksana Trebenko, a trainer at NAQA. We appreciate the enthusiasm, motivation and sincere interest shown by the participants of the training and are grateful to them for their willingness to continuously contribute to the quality of higher education in Ukraine.