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Quality Forum “Ensuring the quality of education in the face of environmental challenges. Internationalization”

Representatives of Polish universities and the international education community came together in Krakow at the Quality Forum “Ensuring the quality of education in the face of environmental challenges. Internationalization” (20-21 November).

The event was attended by ENQA President Douglas Blackstock, representatives of agencies from Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Romania and Latvia. NAQA was presented by NAQA Vice Head Olena Yeremenko, who extensively covered the agency’s activities in wartime.

The forum became a platform for discussing areas of cooperation in the field of higher education. The focus of the discussions on quality assurance issues and expanding the boundaries of ESG opened up new opportunities for cooperation.

We sincerely thank the Polish Accreditation Committee (PKA) for organizing this event and paying attention to Ukraine’s achievements in the field of quality assurance in higher education.