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This year appeared to be both the longest and the shortest…

This year appeared to be both the longest and the shortest. For someone, it began with the first overall alarm, for others it remained a continuation of 2014. It deprived us of the most valuable and insignificant, leaving precious moments of hope and deep faith. And it made love, family, mutual support, and vocation much more important.

This year proved, that we, Ukrainians, can do absolutely anything. We can rebuild educational institutions, continue to improve qualifications being under occupation, teach from the trenches and take exams there.

Even in a critical situation, we can analyze mistakes and correct them. Getting rid of methodical materials in russian, returning to Ukrainian in all spheres of life, forgetting the existence of ghostly “Western” and “Eastern” Ukraine, respecting the indivisibility of the Motherland.

We became much closer. Cheering each other on online meetings like old friends, adding “hope you’re safe” and “wishing peaceful sky” in emails. Empathizing with those who have lost more than us and sharing with those who have less.

Russia will disappear. Both culturally and mentally. Instead, this painful year added even more strength to our mighty nation.

We honor every fallen defender. We sympathize with the victims and their families. We thank the Armed Forces of Ukraine, medics and volunteers. And we are grateful for the support of international partners. We do our thing. We believe in Victory.