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Webinar on “Current Issues in Ensuring the Quality of Higher Education in Arts-Oriented Institutions”

On December 19, NAQA, in collaboration with the State Agency of Ukraine for Arts and Art Education, organized a webinar on “Current Issues in Ensuring the Quality of Higher Education in Arts-Oriented Institutions”. The event brought together over 220 participants, primarily study program leaders and representatives of specialized departments responsible for internal quality assurance systems in higher education institutions specializing in arts.

The opening remarks at the event were delivered by the Acting Head of the State Agency of Ukraine for Arts and Art Education, Olha Rossoshanska, and Lesia Smyrna, a doctor of art history and NAQA member.

Olexandr Khymenko, the Head of the Secretariat, discussed the legal foundations of the higher education quality assurance system. Olena Yeremenko, NAQA Vice Head, provided advice on building internal quality assurance systems in artistic higher education institutions. Ganna Denyskina, Head of Study Programmes Accreditation Department, elaborated on the preparation of accreditation documents and the essential steps for a successful accreditation examination. Lidiia Makarenko, an expert of NAQA, discussed the role of stakeholders in shaping study programs in artistic specialities.

The concluding part of the webinar featured a Q&A session, focusing on current issues in ensuring the quality of education.