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NAQA has become a member of the International Center for Academic Integrity (ICAI)

One of the important NAQA activities is to popularise the policy of compliance with academic integrity standards and requirements, and intolerance of its violation. To this end, NAQA develops the relevant legal documents, and the Ethics Committee established within NAQA considers all the complaints related to this issue. NAQA is constantly looking for and using new ways to improve its activities. From now on, NAQA has become a member of the International Center for Academic Integrity.

The International Center for Academic Integrity (ICAI) was founded to combat cheating, plagiarism, and academic dishonesty in higher education. Its mission has since expanded to include the cultivation of cultures of integrity in academic communities throughout the world. ICAI offers assessment services, resources, and consultations to its member institutions, and facilitates conversations on academic integrity topics each year at its annual conference.

NAQA membership in the ICAI is an opportunity to receive consultations, support projects, exchange best practices and share domestic experience in combating manifestations of academic dishonesty.