On June 26, 2020 a consultative meeting between NAQA and THEQC took place. NAQA was represented by NAQA Vice Head Nataliia Stukalo, NAQA members Iryna…
Within the joint project with OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Ukraine on June 26 a meeting was held between NAQA and the Center for Quality Assessment…
With the support of OSCE Project Coordinator in Ukraine on June 18 an Agency to Agency meeting between NAQA (Ukraine) and EKKA (Estonia) was held…
NAQA has a very valuable and at the same time responsible mission – to become a catalyst for positive changes in higher education and the…
Following the previous meetings and discussions NAQA has signed Memorandum of Understanding with the High Council for the Evaluation of Research and Higher Education (Hcéres).…
In continuation of cooperation with Georgian colleagues, on June 3, a memorandum on cooperation between NAQA and the National Center for Educational Quality Improvement (hereinafter…
NAQA was invited by the QAA (Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education), to participate the International Partners Forum, which took place online on May 20,…
Another week and another meeting with foreign colleagues – this time with Swedish quality assurance experts. On May 15, 2020, NAQA Head Serhiy Kvit, Vice-Head…
On April 16, 2020, an online meeting with ENQA Vice-President, Hcéres Head of the Europe and International Department François Pernot and Hcéres International Project Manager…
On March 9, 2020 in Warsaw at the Polish Rectors Foundation the Memorandum of cooperation between the National Agency for Higher education Quality Assurance (Ukraine)…