The intricacies of maintaining the quality of education in the face of financial pressure, external requirements and changing stakeholder expectations were discussed on 8 February…
The culture of integrity in universities and effective anti-corruption policy affect the quality of higher education. This was emphasised by Olena Yeremenko, Vice Head of…
Accredited study programmes: “Electronic Components and Systems”, speciality 171 – Electronics, and “Automated and Robotic Mechanical Systems”, speciality 131 – Applied Mechanics, Bachelor’s degree. HEI: National…
On 2 February 2024, the first meeting of the working group to evaluate the results of the experiment on the introduction of post-accreditation monitoring of…
On 1 February 2024, the webinar “Cross-border quality assurance in the field of veterinary medicine” was held, bringing together 85 representatives of Ukrainian study programmes in…
According to The Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG-2015), one of the essential components of the development of…
In the new INQAAHE bulletin, find out about how NAQA involves stakeholders in discussing important topics on QA in HE in wartime within the first…
On 30 January, Olena Yeremenko, Vice Head of NAQA, held a webinar as part of a series of seminars at the Ivan Horbachevsky Ternopil National…
An online working meeting was held on the DigiUni (Digital University – Open Ukrainian Initiative) project, implemented under the Erasmus+ programme and aimed at capacity…
This week, an online meeting was held with the head representatives of NAQA and the Polish Accreditation Commission (PKA), which marked the intensification of cooperation…